Friday, April 23, 2010

tell me what you want Maxy...

Let me start by saying in my house we go through dog treats like water. Fireman Al has no self control when it comes to giving dogs treats. He says "they look at me sad." The rule is supposed to be 1 big treat a day (like a busy bone or something) and milk bones, canine carry outs and such, the rest of the day. I decided to start hiding the treats from Al a few months back, as a means to save some money. I choose a different spot each week.

We taught Max "show me what you want" because he would come up to us with the cutest eager looks on his face, and we had no idea what he wanted. So now we say "Maxy, show me what you want!" that's exactly what he does. He runs to the door, his leash, the water dish, whatever.

On a few occasions Max was around when I pulled the treat for the day out of the hiding spot. Come to find out Max would go up to Al with his cutest little look. When Al says "show me what you want buddy" Max shows him my hiding spot, and gets rewarded with a treat! The first time I thought "clever little doggy." The second time I thought "Son of a B.. I have to start hiding them in my car!!!"
Reason #1,900,862 why I love that boy.

Monday, April 12, 2010

What do I want to be when I grow up?

I am going back to school!!!
So scary, but so needed.

If I knew then what I know now, I wouldn't have wasted time on 4 different majors

  • Accounting
  • Math
  • Sociology
  • History

We live and we learn, I can only go forward from here! I am going to take some pre-requisites then apply to some ultrasound programs. I am nervous and excited all at once!

And Hey, it looks pretty good to have a few degrees, right??

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What's Your Sign, Baby?

What is a tacky pick up line has become one of my favorite questions!
These days, some of the usual excuses don't really cut it for me.
Why am I the way I am?
So I started looking to the stars... and numbers.

I am a Cancer, born June 27, 1982.
Cancer is a feminine sign, a water sign, and a cardinal sign. With Capricorn as it's polar sign.
I wasn't quite sure what this meant.
I figured out it meant ME.

I am very much a Cancer. I am moody, fiercely loyal, and home is where my heart is.
One of the things I always realized about myself was how I connected to others emotions. I have a tendency to put myself in other people's shoes. <-- One more Cancer quality, which helps with my great intuition. (yup, a perk) It is hard to become part of my life, but once you are you can never REALLY be free... (insert evil laugh there) Cancers are constantly feeling. Almost everything triggers an emotion or memory. This is so true of me. Emotions are my strength and my weakness.

I have a strong maternal instinct (go back to home is where my heart is) I need to be domestic. I am the mother hen in my circle of friends, and I like it! They see it as controlling, I see it as love!

Despite the bad things about Cancers (the moodiness, or the walls I put up naturally) I love being a Cancer. It's exactly who I am.

(So sorry Mom, the tattoo I got when I was 19 of the Cancer symbol? It stays!)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Friday, April 2, 2010

Liz Oz

Every single person is "in their own little world"

Here is a small glimpse into mine


My heart belongs to
Maxy and Kallie

I am a "fire wife"


I love sunglasses

I am an optimist


I am a Red Sox Girl

The Patriots are equally as important!


I try to see the good in everyone


I love the Summer.

In my eyes it's a time to let loose and have some fun..


My friends mean the world to me..


Pink is by FAR my favorite color!