I'm bored, and need to unwind. This will be fun!
- If I were a day of the week, I'd be Sunday - the day of rest :)
- If I were a time I'd be somewhere between 7 and 8am. The house is still quiet and I get my coffee in peace
- If I were a direction I would be South
- If I were a tree I'd be a Weeping Willow
- If I were a tool I'd be a level
- If I were a flower I'd be Lilly of the Valley

- If I were a musical instrument I'd be a Piano
- If I were a color I'd obviously be PINK!
- If I were a fruit I'd be a Mango!
- If I were an element I'd be water for sure

- If I were a food I'd be a Mango (see above)
- If I were a place I'd be Home
- If I were a fabric I'd be Snuggly Flannel
- If I were a scent I'd be Eau de Fleur by Kenzo
- If I were an object I would be an ipod
- If I were a song I'd be We've Got Tonight by Bob Seger
So there you have it! I think most of my many followers (I love all 4 of you haha) have done this. If you come across it and want to do it, go for it! It'll be fun!